Is It Easy to Shift Across Teams in Ebay Work

Updated Nov 23, 2021

Found 161 of over 4,923 reviews

eBay CEO Jamie Iannone

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  1. Current Employee, more than 1 year


    Brilliant compensation, amazing teams and oppurtunities


    shifts can be hard but this is being looked into as a whole by the company and directors to gain better work life balance for all

  2. Former Employee, more than 3 years

    Not Recommended

    Nov 10, 2021 - Concierge Customer Service Representativein Dublin, Dublin


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    Business Outlook


    25 days holidays, VHI, decent pay


    It's a glorified call centre, all that matters is that you are available to take contacts over and over and that's before they then skill you to take contacts from other departments. So you regularly do not do your own "line of business" and spend your day being abused on calls and chats. Since going to the WFH environment, management used the disconnect between them and the staff to increase the work load by adding new lines of business to you daily skill set and not telling you in advance until you got a contact from that LOB and you'd be told "they're struggling" or "it won't be for long" when it fact its just the start of daily, weekly and in some cases permanent changes that you are never consulted on. Work life balance does not exist in eBay, if you want time off good luck getting it approved! Once WFH hit departments found our holiday allowances on the company calendar turned to zero so you had to basically beg for time off or early leave. If you want any time off you better request it months in advance and even then you aren't guaranteed to get it approved and be given the old excuse of "just get a shift swap" which is nearly impossible too. Oh and a word of warning they are open 365 days, yes including Christmas Day, so they will have you working on Christmas Day "just in case people need to call us". You work shift work in rotations (including lates(9pm) and Weekends too), they have split days off which is horrible and recently added a second week of lates "cause we need to support our line of business" and then you discover you are not supporting your own departments LOB but everyone elses. They champion mental health however work their employees to breaking point as getting time off is near impossible and then if you are off sick with mental health or other reasons they hound you for daily updates on your progress and weekly sick notes (if your doctor issues a two week note, you'll be made go back and get two weekly ones). The majority of management are just there to get experience to leverage better offers with other companies and don't actually care about the staff behind them (bar a couple) and have almost no people management skills and cannot offer any kind of development coaching or advice. Your bonus is based on whether the customer likes eBay and it's rules or policies or not, so if the customer is angry regardless of what you do to help them they will leave a negative cause they do not like the company policies/procedures and this effects your personal bonus pay out. Advancement is next to impossible as any position that is non-customer facing quickly finds everyone on phones applying for the role as the call taking is pure hell. But don't worry you'll be bombarded with emails everyday asking you to work over time with the chance to win a €25 One4All voucher! Unless you're desperate for experience in a customer facing role I wouldn't recommend applying here.

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  3. Current Employee, more than 3 years


    Good management, pension, medical aid, extras like pay day treats


    no dental cover, late hours so work life balance can be a mess

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  4. Current Employee, more than 3 years


    None. Not exaggerating there is literally none.


    I've worked in various customer support and call center roles over the year I can honestly say eBay is absolutely the worst. I'll try breakdown the specific areas. Contract: eBay are very cleaver on how they word their job offers. If it was a product on their site it would be taken down for false advertising. Their "competitive salary" is a pittance and not comparable with other companies of similar size. On paper they offer the standard amount of holiday as required by law but when you actual go to take them you see that each day is blocked to only allow a certain number of people off a day. Now this is standard but the system only allowed for 3/4 (out of a team of nearly 50) to be off at a time. There is zero, and this must be emphasized for effect, ZERO flexibility. Need a weekend off for a last minute event? Sorry should have applied for it when it became available 6 months ago. There is no established system to deal with swaps resulting in an email inbox full of requests. Forget all that talk about progression and advancement. The opportunities are just not there to move to a senior role. What you can look forward to is moving to Concierge BUT are these awarded fairly? Are they hell! It doesn't matter if you have been there years or a wet 6 months, if you are besties with the managers you go up. Shifts: Kiss your work life balance goodbye. Shifts change weekly and can be anywhere from 8am to 10pm. People are clamoring for a fixed pattern but they will only go to certain people (more on that later). Flexibility? A foreign concept to eBay. You are basically told to put up and shut up. Working conditions: As we are now working from home due to circumstances I will outline the experience from before. eBay is split across 2 buildings about a kilometer apart. There is stark divide between not just the buildings but the floors even with no effort to mix staff. They use hotdesking which adds nothing to morale. If you are on a late shift you better enjoy the hunt for a computer where the keyboard screen and mouse all work and meet basic hygiene standards. Worse on weekends when using the main office and technology at least 5 years out of date. I have worked for other large multinationals in Ireland and basic amenities such as free snacks or a free canteen would be laughable in eBay. You are constantly being watched in eBay. Your life is dominated by the clock. If you are a minute (and I am talking 10 seconds here) back late from a break on in clocking in the morning you will be called in to explain. The same does not apply if you are delayed taking your break. Your breaks consist of 2 breaks of 15 minutes and 1 of 30 minutes but their is no logic into how these breaks are allocated. For example you could be on a 9-5.30 shift and have a 15 break at 11.30 and then your 30 minute at 12.30. Changing these breaks is impossible and complaining is pointless (more on this below). There is someone there whos only job is watch who is not available to take calls. This is expected but due to the call volume you will not have time to do any follow up. If a customers issue cannot be resolved on first contact, which can be the case, you are told to pause it and resolve later but as you are not given the time to resolve this the issue is left. In theory a 30 minute slot is built in to the schedule for resolving cases but it is common thing that this time is cut due to call volume. Requests for this time, or anytime, to work on the growing backlog are ignored. Staff are timed for bathroom breaks and called out if too long is taken to relieve oneself. Even those in prison are allowed go to the toilet when needed. Customers and Call volume: I will agree starting off that the company cannot control what is said on a call but they can control what is done when a customer is abusive. In my time with eBay I have been called every name under the sun. I have been threated with violence, sexual assault and yes even murder! I am not thin skinned but they get to you and management do not care. I was once told it is my job to deal with it. The call volume is the highest I have ever seen in a customer service job. Be prepared to deal with 50/60 calls a day. If they could make us take 2 calls at a time they would. You are pretty much left to drown on a difficult call because management are nowhere to be seen. Most will be routine (monotonous) but as expected there will be the difficult call and there will be no help available. Metrics: You will be a slave to the metrics, most of which are outside your control. Your "bonus" is tied to team metrics so you can have top metrics but because the department didn't hit target you get nothing.... no I correct myself you might get a badly done up certificate. Bad review are what they are but unfair reviews have no appeal. If you did everything you could do to help the customer but they still mark you down too bad. Worse reviews with abuse the police would prosecute for have no appeal to be removed and you are told it happens. You are reviewed on recontact rate, so people calling back within a period, something you have no control over if it is 2 separate issues. If you are lucky you might get a pizza lunch or a doughnut as a way to make you think they care. Management: I don't know the requirements for hiring a manager in eBay but they cant be that high. The team leaders are the core of the issues. Now I get it they have a job to do but they are constantly in a meeting so when you need them they are nowhere around. When you can get them they don't want to hear your issue. You will practically have to drag them kicking and screaming to take over a call when a customer asks for a manager but at this stage I am not even surprised when they immediately give into the customer and give them what they want even if it is in no way warranted. They just want to get off the call. Managers in eBay play favouritism in a way I have never seen before. Certain staff know they are untouchable and get away with something others would be fired before because they are friends with the manager. The coaches are... pointless really coz there just is no coaching. So overall, the place is a disaster. You will face abuse from customers and abuse from the managers while working in conditions a slave would envy.

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    Thank you for this extremely detailed review. We're sorry to hear that you haven't had a great time at eBay. Although you've already shared so much, you're always welcome to continue the conversation via email at

  5. Former Employee, less than 1 year


    Aug 13, 2020 - M2M Team Matein Dublin, Dublin


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    Pay and benefits. Good colleagues.


    They will promise you all the support in the world but especially working from home, this will never be fulfilled. Your left mostly on your own with no help, ESPECIALLY on weekends. Questions put into their online space are often skipped/missed and you often must pause issues that could have been dealt with quickly on the calls due to this. The Knowledge base they have in place is so expansive that it is extremely hard to find anything rendering it completely useless. Management play favourites - nothing new or exclusive to eBay. If you have any sort of mental health issues, I would STEER CLEAR of eBay. Management will wave "mental health first aid training" around but this is mostly so they can deal with and identify for themselves anyone possibly struggling. This "training" is not helpful for anyone honest and upfront about existing issues. They do not actually help staff when there is a mental health issue. Prepare to be abused on calls daily despite what they say, these calls are not few and far between. Members will scream abuse at you to try and get what they want, and you will have to get permission from management to end this call if you can get a hold of someone. Management are not on the same page at all and you will never get a straight answer from anyone. Some management will tell you to give 3 warnings and end the call but if you do this and someone else is on duty they'll more than likely tell you this is wrong and tell you something completely different. Reading though some of the other reviews I am shocked to see that people thought the training was great. This for me was bare bones. Again, you cannot get a straight answer out of the trainers. They will answer questions with the same answers simply different phrasing. You go through 8 weeks training that means nothing other than "read the knowledge base" and then they push you in the deep end and wave from the shoreline while you drown. You only get a breather of 5 seconds in between calls which leads to burnout and stress. Management this 7.5 minute per call is achievable due to 60% of the department hitting it. They do not take into consideration that most of that 60% are in Bangalore and the Philippines where teammates do what they want to avoid the abuse and racism from the callers. This then leads to more abusive calls for team mates following the rules and policies. God forbid you would try and get some offline time for the back up of work you have from the lack of answers. Expect management to throw you under the bus on escalation calls. They will tell you to advise management will tell the customer the same thing. This is a lie. Management do not want to take these calls live, even though this is stated as process in the KB. If you have an issue, again specific to Working from Home, their IT team is less than useless. I had an ongoing phone issue that was fixed by a level 2 technician after a 30-minute phone call AFTER 2 WEEKS OF CHASING EVERYDAY. Super short breaks. Two 15-minute breaks (sometimes an hour after you start) and one 30-minute break. This leaves no time to really do anything or get some fresh air. The recruitment team did a fantastic job of selling the role as a dream, but it is more like a night terror. Customer surveys affect your bonus. It counts for 40% which is disgusting as this is not something within your control WHATSOEVER. Customers give you back CSATs for stuff totally outside of your control or thinking it is for another company and eBay refuse to remove them and you therefore do not get a bonus. I had to leave this toxic waste pit of a company for my own mental health. NOTHING is worth putting yourself through this company. Work life balance is non-existent. Lots of late shifts and weekend work. AVOID AT ALL COSTS.

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    We truly appreciate the time that you spent with eBay and we hope that you find yourself well in your current position. It's great to see that you loved the pay, benefits, as well as your colleagues despite all of the frustrations you seem to have felt. You have already provided considerable detail in your review, but if you'd like to add anything at all, feel free to email

  6. Former Employee, more than 3 years


    A good canteen with low prices. Alot of good people working there


    Micro management is ridiculous there. Where management are all clicky, and if you dont fit their mold you are treated badly. There are constant changes to make your work more difficult, but the changes arent told to the customer service agents, until they are already live. Work life balance does not exist. If you need time off, chances are you will be denied because there is no availability.

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  7. Great atmosphere

    May 6, 2020 - Senior Customer Experience Specialistin Dublin, Dublin


    CEO Approval

    Business Outlook


    the people, benefits, location, social events


    management style, communication, work life balance, decision making

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  8. Pros

    Friendly Colleagues, Competitive Salary, On-Site Parking.


    Poor work-life balance, shift-work with little flexibility, timed bathroom breaks, low job satisfaction.

  9. Former Employee, more than 3 years


    Salary wasn't the worst. Free snacks


    Where do I start....... When you first join eBay (like i was) you are excited to be part of such a big company and are blinded by the "opportunities" and "culture" of the place. The office itself is fairly vibrant, fast paced and exciting to a fresh victim just in the door. It wasnt until I had actually been offered a final interview that I found out that the job was just a call centre operative. They are very clever with how they word things and describe the job. At the end of the day, it is a call centre. After a couple of months and 7000 action plans with your coaches and team leaders that discuss your "journey of progression in the company" you will begin to realise just what a toxic and horrible work environment the place is. You are told to build a rapport with the buyers and sellers and to make it feel like a personalised service but then are pulled up on spending too long on calls with customers and should be dealing with the issue promptly and moving on to the next call. Micromanagement is not a strong enough word. Every second is scrutinised, at the time I was working there, there is literally a member of "leadership" who sits there all day staring at their laptops monitoring what every member of staff is doing every second of the day. Want or have to go to the toilet a few times a day? Be prepared to have to justify why you were away from your desk for 7 minutes combined throughout the day. Want to book time off for a holiday? Hahaha good luck with that, unless you are booking it well over 9 months in advance. Want Christmas or bank holidays off? It isquite literally a lottery where names are pulled out of a hat to see who has to work. They advertise the roles with words such as "quarterly bonuses", in the near 3 years i was at ebay, i received a quarterly bonus i believe 3 times? The bonuses are calculated by a department level and not by individual merit, you could be the perfect employee and the most productive employee in the company but because all the other kids in there are just there for a social club and dont do any work, you will receive the minimum bonus payout if you receive a bonus payout at all. In my personal experience, my own team leaders and coaches were honestly fantastic people who helped me in more ways than just professionally. That being said however the majority of all other upper management are beyond useless. They are supposed to be there to support you and offer help, but the second you have an irate customer on the phone looking to speak to management they all seem to magically disappear or be on their way to meetings, this then results in a formal complaint, which you are then pulled up on and asked to explain yourself. The shift work is horrendous, they blow hot air at you constantly with their concerns over finding a good work/life balance. You could one day be on an 8-4:30 shift, the next youre on a 12:30-21:00 and then back to a 8-4:30. Place is like a playground, it has its little cliques and groups and if you are not part of that group then you are completely overlooked and underappreciated whilst all the kids that have bought in to the cliques get away with murder because the management couldnt possibly treat one of "their crew" poorly. Constant changes to the sites functionality and costs are rolled out with little or no notice and you are expected to just roll with it and "turn customers negative comments in to positive growth opportunities". You are told that you are to be your customers go to person and take ownership of issues from start to finish and to deliver a 5X experience. In reality the buck is passed from one useless agent who doesnt want to be moaned at to another useless agent that isnt bothered doing the work . Customers have actually been banned or restricted from using eBay if they contact eBay too often because they have been fobbed off and issues have not been resolved. I could honestly go on and on and on about how negative the place is. Hard work is "rewarded" with a patronising pat on the back certificate that a 5 year old could make on clipart and sometimes a piece of branded merchandise (an ebay cup etc). I left eBay a few months ago as i just couldnt physichally or mentally deal with the place any more. When i informed the leadership of this, rather than see if there was anything that could be done, they just informed me that i was required to work my 4 weeks notice (i didnt, i walked out then and there). The second I walked out of those doors i felt liberated and havent given it a second thought until i decided to write this review. If you are taking a job in eBay, the first few months are pretty great but you will soon realise that you are just a number, they couldn't care less about your physical or mental health and I would seriously think twice.

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  10. Current Employee, more than 1 year

    M2M Teammate

    Jun 20, 2019 - M2M Agentin Dublin, Dublin


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    Co-workers are nice and are the best thing about the place.


    1.Modern day slave shop 2."Leadership" team don't want to listen to suggestions 3. No chance to develop 4. Constantly busy. Never used to be like that. 5. Mental health is unheard of 6. New stats (recontact rate) are outside of your control. 7. Everyone has a poor opinion after the first few months 8. No work/life balance. eBay is your life.

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